Our Dying Faculty – by Bouwkunde Action Group

On Thursday October 15th some of you may have seen posters signed by Bouwkunde Action Group on the faculty announcement boards. The agit-prop was directed at the Faculty and University management as well as to the Government, and took advantage of the presence of suits and journalists attending the expensive inauguration of Oost Serre, hoping to tap into the attention BK received that day. We would like to take advantage of this opportunity to communicate directly with the body of students and to raise consciousness regarding current events affecting our studies and the future of our disciplines.

1.    Trust is one of the pillars of our society. We place our money in banks because we trust them.     When our trust is lost, we withdraw the money, unless we trust the government will guarantee it.
2.    When we go to study, we trust the Education Ministry and the University to offer the necessary education in the field we choose. We trust the faculty will supply the best and most dedicated teachers available, the necessary facilities and framework.
3.    We do not trust the Government, the University or the Faculty anymore: we see changes underway which are focused at cost cutting and streamlining education, we see a reduction of the teaching staff, an abandonment of content, a managerial focus on budget, growing numbers of students, and we no longer believe the university or faculty is interested in providing the best possible education!
4.    We understand the current cuts are the consequence of years of bad management. They are brute cost saving measurements that intend to stabilize the institution at the expense of education and research, emulating neoliberal policies and violating the social contract.
5.    If we, as students, are paying the price of bad management – which seems to be one of the excuses circulating – then the question must be asked – WHY? Why does our education need to suffer because of bad management? Where is the responsibility (of the Faculty, of the University, of the Government)?
6.    We, as students, have kept a distance from the budget and bad management disputes in the faculty of which we know little.
7.    Now we see that we are the ones who will pay the price for errors and mistakes of bad management and questionable policies of the Government and University. Therefore we have formed the Bouwkunde Action Group to protest the situation.
8.    Let us recite some of the conditions which we are already encountering:
A.    More students per year and per class
B.    Less teachers
C.    Less support staff (e-point opening times, secretaries etc)
D.    Less engaged and young teachers
E.    Less women and foreigners as teachers
F.    Less elective courses
G.    Limited amount of graduation studios
H.    Ridiculous 15 minutes per student per week with studio teacher.
I.    Overworked Teachers pre-occupied with other tasks (support tasks etc)
J.    Insufficient and inadequate facilities.
K.    Stagnant curricula
9.    TU Delft, according to some international university ratings, is rated 15th best university in the world within technologies. Such ratings will not be maintained by disinvestment in education and research.
10.    Instead of endless discussions about budget, we demand vision. We demand quality teachers. We need a rethinking of curriculum directed by quality and relevance rather than by managerial and budget considerations.
11.    Student organizations, which are supposed to represent our interests, accommodate the demands of the bad management rather than of the students. This in our view is called student repression.
12.    Discussions about our concerns are relegated to obscure committees with little influence and no voice.
13.    The teacher evaluations we have filled out in the last years seem to have amounted to nothing, with some of the most appreciated teachers losing their positions due to the budget crunch.
14.    The way the faculty handled our protest – security guards ordered to stop us from putting up posters, trying to search our bags and removing posters from dedicated(!) poster areas – exemplifies the direction bad management is taking: a faculty where coherence and image is protected at all cost and any form of dissent is directly seen as a threat!
15.    As we do not trust the institution – we do not trust it will be FAIR – we prefer to remain anonymous at this stage. If you subscribe to the points above, identities are of less importance.
16.    If you agree with our views, please stop being afraid of bad management and subscribe to our mailing list at BouwkundeActionGroup@gmail.com. Together we will prepare a public petition for straight dialogue, responsibility and transparency to the people in charge of this appalling situation.

The authors’ names have been disclosed to the editorial board of B_Nieuws

B_Nieuws responds:

To ensure a measure of maturity and fairness when participating in debate, the editorial board of B_Nieuws believes that transparency is
necessary on all sides. The editorial board always asks the authors of articles to sign their name(s)on them, especially on articles meant for Forum. When the editorial board requested that the BAG make their names public in their contribution, the request was denied with the following response:

“Anonymity is a tool that affords us to bring focus to our agenda rather than to the participants of the movement – a way of maintaining the idea(s) above any events or individuals involved.
Anonymity keeps the issue of change the focus. Not allowing the individual demographics of those involved in change to be used by bad management to marginalize or detract from the issue.
Anonymity prevents opening a direct discussion between BAG and bad management, and forces bad management to address the student body as a whole.
Anonymity opens the door for other actions about which bad management may be very unhappy.
Anonymity prevents bad management from changing the dynamics and co-opting BAG into a
We are truly concerned of the fairness of the institution as marginalization can happen in very
subtle ways. Let bad management address the faculty, not us. Then let us all debate the idea(s) – not the names.”

The editorial board of B_Nieuws wishes to stress the fact that anonymous articles that hope to spark off discussions can fall short of their goal, for the following reasons:
– The message tends to leave a weaker impression and tends to be taken less seriously than when the names of the authors are published;
– Anonymity can create the impresson that the author’s goal is just to rouse public sentiment;
– We believe that there is no reason to be fearful of repercussions – the Faculty of Architecture of the TU Delft is not a police state.

Nevertheless, because of the important and urgent subject matter of the article, B_Nieuws has decided to publish the article, in agreement with the Editorial Advice Board. In an effort to even out the playing field, the “bad management” that is being addressed in the article was asked for a response, which you can read on the right. We hope that in the future, inititiatives like the BAG (and of course, the BAG itself) will be signed by persons we can address so the issues presented can be debated in an open, transparent way.

The editorial board of B_Nieuws

Herman Schoffelen responds:

Beste Bouwkunde Action Group

Na de opgewonden propaganda van de jaren zeventig vindt iemand (op Bouwkunde?) de anonieme agit-prop uit. Schreef Engels al niet aan Marx dat het lijkt alsof de geschiedenis zich herhaalt “once as grand tragedy and the second time as rotten farce”. De faculteit is in ogen van deze persoon kennelijk een te gevaarlijke plaats om je vrij te kunnen uiten.

Kritische geluiden, overdrijvingen, verbale tomaten  – het mag allemaal in een academische omgeving en moet ook soms. Anonieme standpunten zijn een hinderpaal in de uitwisseling van ideeën en standpunten. De lezer heeft er recht op te weten wie wat zegt. De lezer mag oordelen of een mening gekleurd is door persoonlijk belang of positie.
Ik waag het er op om onder eigen naam te reageren en verwacht van anderen niet minder.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Herman Schoffelen
Faculteitssecretaris Bouwkunde

Ik maak graag van de gelegenheid gebruik om een hieronder een aantal misverstanden uit de wereld te helpen. Dat komt de helderheid van het debat ten goede.


Teveel geld naar designmeubels en te weinig naar goed onderwijs.
Er is absoluut geen sprake van een tegenstelling tussen materiële investeringen en onderwijsbelangen. Wij hopen juist dat het ontwerponderwijs dankzij het ateliergebouw aan kwaliteit heeft gewonnen.

De designmeubels zijn welbewust gekozen om door hun ontwerpkwaliteit een extra impuls te geven aan de werkomgeving van medewerkers en studenten. Een keuze die we alleen konden maken dankzij de brand. De meubels en de inrichting in ons prachtige BK City zijn voor een zeer gunstige prijs betaald van verzekeringsgelden. De afschrijving van deze investering belast onze reguliere begroting niet. Daar zorgt het College van Bestuur voor.

We jagen de studenten op kosten.
In het nieuwe gebouw is veel geïnvesteerd in werkplekken en in goede faciliteiten voor studenten. De maquettewerkplaats spreekt voor zich. Met Civiele Techniek werken we in een gezamenlijk bouwtechnologie lab. Er zijn goed print- en plotvoorzieningen en een bouwshop in consignatie. De laptops, de prints en overig studiemateriaal kosten studenten uiteraard geld. Kwantumkorting (zie de laptop) resulteert in een verlaagde prijs. De ondersteuning van de studentwerkplek door de ICTO balie (uniek in de TUD) komt geheel voor rekening van de faculteit.

De bezuinigingen gaan ten kosten van jonge medewerkers.
De bezuinigingen beperken de ruimte om aan jonge medewerkers nieuwe aanstellingen en aan talentvolle promovendi na de promotie een baan aan te bieden. Het College van Bestuur heeft de faculteit in 2009 extra budget gegeven om promovendi na een positieve go een driejarig contract aan te bieden en bovendien extra budget om zeer talentvolle jonge medewerkers een vast contract aan te bieden. Het College accepteert dat de faculteit daardoor enkele jaren langer doet over het bereiken van een sluitende begroting.

De bezuinigingen gaan ten koste van de kwaliteit van onderwijs.
De Faculteit vreest dat de lasten onder de staf soms onevenredig zijn verdeeld; vooral daar waar door de vaste staf veel intensief onderwijs wordt gegeven, lijkt dit onderzoek uit te drijven. Om een betere balans te vinden tussen werklast en financiering onderzoekt de faculteit projectmatig de ‘Kosten van het Onderwijs’, recent aangevuld met een faculteitsbrede tijdschrijf onderzoek (TIM.) De uitkomsten van dit onderzoek zullen leiden tot bijstellingen van de interne geldverdeling; door modelaanpassingen en/of aanvullende beleidsbeslissingen.

De faculteit blijft naast de bestaande activiteiten investeren in strategische keuzen als Hyperbody, The Why Factory, Landschapsarchitectuur en een nieuwe graduateschool voor masterstudenten en promovendi.

Bezuinigen vinden plaats zonder plan en zonder inspraak.
De faculteit zal haar onderwijstaken met minder geld en minder mensen moeten uitvoeren. Het plan hoe zonder kwaliteitsverlies efficiënter met onderwijs om te gaan is door Christian van Ees met hulp van veel medewerkers en studenten van de faculteit opgeschreven in ‘Betaalbaar Onderwijs’ (download het plan ‘Betaalbaar Onderwijs’ op: http://www.bk.tudelft.nl/masteringbouwkunde).
Voor de onderzoeksontwikkeling heeft Frank van der Hoeven met hulp van een groep talentvolle onderzoekers een ambitieus plan geschreven onder de titel ‘Architecture@context’ (download het plan ‘Architecture@context’ op

Voor de langere termijn bereidt de faculteit inhoudelijke keuzen voor in een drietal ronde tafelgesprekken van afdelingsvoorzitters en hoogleraren en in een heidag voor het Management Team op 4 november aanstaande. De neerslag daarvan is een meerjarenplan dat uitvoerig besproken wordt met medewerkers en studenten.
Geen verweer tegen de bezuinigingen.
Dat medewerkers en studenten menen geen mogelijkheid tot verweer te hebben tegen de bezuinigingen is een slechte zaak. De noodzaak tot bezuinigingen is onontkoombaar. Maar de keuzes die de faculteit maakt om de lasten te verdelen zijn dat niet. Via de Opleidingscommissie, de facultaire studentenraad (FSR), Stylos en de praktijkverenigingen kunnen studenten de te maken keuzes beïnvloeden. Afgelopen halfjaar heeft de decaan driemaal alle studentvertegenwoordigers gesproken over de bezuinigingen en het plan Mastering Bouwkunde. Via opnieuw de opleidingscommissie, de centrale ondernemingsraad en de facultaire onderdeelcommissie hebben ook de medewerkers hun invloed.

Afwijkende geluiden zijn niet gewenst.
B_Nieuws en BK City nieuws zijn onze fora om informatie en standpunten uit te wisselen. Laten we die fora niet gebruiken voor anonieme bijdragen, maar open en persoonlijk deelnemen aan het debat. Ik hoop dat we elkaar kunnen treffen op onze oranje tribune.

Herman Schoffelen
Secretaris Bouwkunde
+31 15 27 82350
+31 6 524 07689

B_Nieuws says: Comments please!

10 Responses to “Our Dying Faculty – by Bouwkunde Action Group”
  1. BAG supporter says:

    As expected, BAD MANAGEMENT is diverting the issues behind anonymity, why is it so important for them?

    One last thing, calling BAG actions 70’s agitprop just exposes the ignorant and business minded attitude of BAD MANAGEMENT, the quote from Marx is completely decontextualized, everyone should know better. Why is it that the conservatives always refer to any type of disagreement or expression of inconformity as a thing of the past?

    This crisis is the fault of bad management, they should fire themselves first and then the heads that collaborated to the crisis. Someone should hold them accountable! Someone should audit their actions!

    BAD MANAGEMENT, please stop using anonymity to hide, It is your responsibility to address the whole faculty not just BAG

  2. anoniempje says:

    First of all, why did Herman Schoffelen respond in Dutch, does he want to exclude the international students from understanding the tensions that are at the faculty? To add some more points to the BAG as a sympathiser, not a member. (Are they on Facebook?) The faculty and its teachers and other personnel are there FOR the students and because of the students, they should remember that, every day they come to work. The general attitude of the staff is a horrible 9to5 mentality and embarrassing for a faculty that wants to compete with the best, anyone remember this commercial with the inflatable crocodile in the swimmingpool? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Rw27vcTHRw) Why the faculty is not open 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, like so many other international institutions? It seems that the needs of the employees weigh heavier than the needs of the students. Why can the facilities in the modelroom not be open during lunch and until closing time? Have they never heard of taking shifts? Why is there a special focus on the toy-projects of Winy Maas and Kas Oosterhuis and not on all other directions at the faculty? Why can people not respond anonymously in b_nieuws or with posters? To have an open and personal discussion is never equal when the other has more power and it can be quite intimidating when they use hired muscles to enforce their policy (removing posters that actually did have a relation to the faculty and things going on here, but were maybe not tolerated to embarrass the faculty with all those high guests sipping their orange juice)
    When do we ever see FSR and those other curriculum vitae pimps? Only when there are elections they leave their warm offices with their free coffee and give you a folder about being there for us, defending our issues. It should be them and not BAG that puts up posters to start a debate and not handing out stupid bicycle-bells for a survey that will not change anything. Great lime green suits but where are they when it matters most?

    • bnieuws says:

      While we appreciate your concern about B_Nieuws, the editorial board believes that we have made our concerns about anonymous contributions clear. This is an established position at B_Nieuws that goes a long way back. We, however, are in favour of debate, and hope that people will take the opportunity to comment on this blog, just like you did.

  3. Eduardo Guillermo Delgado Castañeda says:

    dear bnieuws,
    “do you know how your breakfast gets into your table?”
    perhaps a banana came all over from costa rica, by means of exploitation of latin american workers, genetically modifying harvests, crazy co2 emmissions by transporting the thing from one continent to another, ‘chiquita banana’ asphyxiating small local producers, and without going further we already find that the processes that sustain our life are so complex that the possibility of a fair confrontation between those who accumulate and those who are dispossessed is far in the horizon.
    however we agree that our breakfast is there everyday.
    transparency, therefore serves only as a strategy to validate hidden agendas. albert heijn is not being prosecuted for the way the banana gets into our table.
    it is our numbness and addiction to confort that is perpetuating the system as it is. for this reason, it is precisely attempts for a realization of our contemporary condition that are of vital importance today. and we need more of them, mobilizations, agitations, confrontations: dissent.
    because a social movement extends up to wherever there is someone engaging in debate, we’re all BAG.

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